Vermintide 2 Easy Anti Cheat Not Installed


  • #1

One of my friends bought the game and still can't play after doing all the trouble shooting listed online. He submitted a support ticket 3 days ago but hasn't gotten a response? is there any alternate fixes for this issue? Do ticket responses usually take this long? Thanks to anyone for input its really frustrating that I hyped my guildie to play this hella cool game just for this to happen.


  • #2

Take a look at this from EAC's website

Additionally, I've found with most people needing help that their AV was the cause of the issue. Have the person check their AV isn't quarantining the EAC files. If it is, whitelist the quarantined file/EAC and then verify the steam file integrity of MO2 to restore the files to their correct place.


  • #3

Take a look at this from EAC's website

Additionally, I've found with most people needing help that their AV was the cause of the issue. Have the person check their AV isn't quarantining the EAC files. If it is, whitelist the quarantined file/EAC and then verify the steam file integrity of MO2 to restore the files to their correct place.

Thanks for the reply and the link! He doesn't have an anti virus installed that's part of why we are so confused that the posted troubleshooting doesn't work.


  • #4

update on this, my guildie was already using that guide you linked woody still no success.


  • #5

In that case best guess would be to send EAC a ticket as well. I'm unsure as to how much support SV can be with regards to a solution given they don't develop EAC:

Also are they trying to play the game through a virtual machine or cloud gaming service? Are they launching from the steam library?


  • #6

from steam not a vm or the cloud


  • #7


He is getting this too


  • #8

View attachment 1982

He is getting this too

Shot in the dark, but I would try deleting the EAC file and launcher.exe and then revalidating the files.

Right click the game from your steam library list go to properties then local files.
Clicking "Browse" will take you to the file path where the game is installed locally. Make the changes stated above.
Then in the steam properties we were just at under local files click "Verify integrity of game files"

  • #9

Doesnt he had openned any third party program? Need to see if he is banned already by any mistake


  • #10

A friend of mine has the exact same problem, he haven't been able to play for 2 months. No anti-virus, no firewall, nothing. Played the game once without issue, next time he booted up, EAC just refused to work. Uninstalled and reinstalled the game several times, still nothing.

  • #11

Im having this same problem. :(

  • #12

IDK exactly what I did, but i spent a few hours going through the files for the EAC in the games folders, I think i ran the uninstall file as administrator, than i deleted all the EAC files, went and verified them through steam, then ran the Install files as administrator, and then ran the game as administrator through the exe in the files. This worked but i am not 100% certain that is what caused it because I had been messing around with EAC setup through other games aswell and doing all kinds of stuff, as the EAC setup file in the game folder did nothing.

  • #13

EDIT: now its not working again lol. IDK wtf

  • #14

Looks like devs fixed the issue. Thanks guys!


  • #15

the new launcher fixed the issue! (y)

  • #16

I had a similar issue. Go to your antivirus or whatever you're using and make sure you're putting the "MortalOnline2Launcher.exe" on a "trusted" or "whitelist". That should resolve most issues.

  • #17

I had the same issue with the EAC error and tried various things but this post brought me onto the right track

Solved it!

Removing every single folder including Easy Anti Cheat and Mortal Online 2 in %appdata% and reinstalling the game on a different drive did *not* fix it.

Doing the above but installing it on the C: drive (where i generally don't have games) worked! Weird but i'll take it.

After moving the Installation over from my storage drive where I have another SteamLibrary onto my C: drive where the Steam client is installed, it worked.
Prior to that I have uninstalled EAC with the batch file in the game's subdirectory for EAC and after I moved it I have installed it again and the game worked.

Notes: While troubleshooting I have encountered various things I want to mention here:
When I started the game with the MortalOnline2.exe directly it was not able to connect with steam, but it did NOT crash. It just said in the main-menu screen I was not logged on in Steam.
When I used the x64 binaries the game did also not crash but in the main-menu screen it said EAC was not installed.
Only when I started it over steam and when it was able to login it crashed a few seconds later if I skipped all screens as fast as possible, or it just crashed a few seconds after the "press any button"


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